INSTRUCTOR:       MR. HOGIE                                                                             Room #: 126

I am available to assist students before school (7:35 am) and after school every day.

Home Phone:        582-2106     E-mail Web Page


Technology Suggested:       A graphing utility such as a TI-84 or TI-84 Plus.

Textbook:                              PRECALCULUS with Limits, A Graphing Approach, 5th Edition, Larson-Hostetler-Edwards




Every hour examination will count 50 - 100 points each.  Quizzes will vary from perhaps 10 to 50 points each.  Hour exams will be announced in advance but you may not be given advance notice of all quizzes.  Grades will be taken on a) tests, b) quizzes, c) homework assignments, and d) participation in class.  Tests and quizzes will account for approximately 70% of a student’s grade and homework and participation in class about 30%.  Grades will be calculated on the following district grading scale:

A              95 - 100%              B+            89 - 91%               C +           80 - 82%                                D +          71 - 73%                F              Below 65%

A -           92 - 94   %             B              86 - 88   %             C              77 - 79%                                D             68 - 70%

B -           83 - 85   %             C -           74 - 76%                                D -           65 - 67%                                                                                                                                                               

Semester Grades will be calculated by averaging the 1st and 2nd quarter grades for students who are exempt from semester tests.  For students who are not exempt, the 1st and 2nd quarter grades will count 40% each and the semester test 20%.  Students who are exempt may take the semester test at no risk to their current grade.  The semester test grade will only count if it betters the overall grade.




 To learn mathematics, one needs to focus on understanding skills and knowledge required to solve problems.  Homework provides an opportunity to reflect upon learning and synthesize understanding.  How hard a student works at his/her homework determines the depth and breadth of learning that takes place.  Active participation is also necessary.  Homework will be collected periodically and graded.  Once assigned, it will be due at the beginning of class the next day.  You must show all work on your homework assignments.  Late homework up to one day will result in a minus five points.  After one day, a grade of zero will be given but the student is expected to complete the assignment.  I expect you to take pride in your work and make it as neat as humanly possible.


Academic Dishonesty:        Cheating is not tolerated.  If a student is caught cheating on homework, a quiz, or a test, no credit will be given and will be dealt with according to district policy.


When given time in class to work on homework, use it wisely.  DO NOT QUIT EARLY!

I allow students to work in small groups quite often, but only when the time is being used wisely.




Students who are absent are responsible for any make-up work.  This includes missed tests and quizzes.  I will not chase after you to see that you make it up.  Make-up work is due the day after you return back to school. (One day allowed for each day absent.)


If you know you are going to be absent, I expect you to complete and turn in your work before you leave.  This includes school-sponsored activities.  It is in a student's best interest to make up any work A.S.A.P.




It is my philosophy that each student is responsible for his/her own behavior both inside and outside the school environment.  My policy is as follows:

1st Offense:                                            Warning. Written Referral to the Office

2nd Offense:                                           Referral.  Trip to the office. Saturday School points given.

3rd Offense:                                          Conference with parents and principal;  Contracting will be done.



My job is to TEACH.  Your job is to LEARN.

                BEWARE OF TOO MUCH NOISE.

                                BE SURE TO DO YOUR OWN WORK.

                                BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.

                                BE ON TIME.



My biggest pet peeve is someone talking while I am talking.

No pop, candy or gum is allowed in the classroom unless permission is granted.




Precalculus/Trigonometry is useful.

Precalculus/Trigonometry is challenging.

Precalculus/Trigonometry will offer you a practical setting in which to use your arithmetic, algebra, geometry and advanced algebra skills.


GOALS for ALL Students:


                Learn to apply mathematics to a variety of different situations.

                Class average of 83%

                Develop communication skills.

                Learn to work with others and develop self-discipline.


To be successful in PreCalculus/Trigonometry a student should:


                Read ahead.  Make a note of everything you do not understand and ask in class.


                Take notes, write down examples, and review them.


Complete all assigned homework and show all steps to the solution for each problem.  Take the time to check your work and make corrections.   Learning mathematics is a step by step process.  Always keep up with and complete your assignments because you must understand each topic in order to learn the next one.  Show all work!


                Work the problems in class as though you were practicing for a test.


                Pay attention all period.


                Complete extra credit assignments.


                Seek help beyond the class period.


                Participate in classroom discussions because it builds confidence.


When working in a group or with a partner stay focused on the task at hand.


                Use the time in class wisely.  Do not quit early!


Put forth an excellent EFFORT.  Work on tasks until they are completed.  Push yourself to continue working on tasks even when difficulties arise or when a solution is not immediately apparent.  View difficulties that arise as opportunities to strengthen your understanding.